Classifieds in Northern Mindanao
- 4K Cars
- 4K Car parts
- 4K Motorcycles and Parts
- 1K Kids’ products & Toys
- 1K Clothes
- 5K Garden & House
- 1K Furniture
- 2K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 6K Computers and Parts
- 2K TV games & PC games
- 741 Movies & Music
- 1K Photo & Cameras
- 2K Audio and Video
- 1K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 1K Books
- 3K Pets and Animals
- 1K Hobbies & Collectors
- 781 Watches & Jewelry
- 2K Music instruments
- 4K Sport

PHP 800
Correlative Neuroanatomy International Edition
REPRICED SALE, excellent condition, paperbacks, with plastic cover, request for more photos if interested. Pls...
PHP 900
UPLAE Reviewer plus Tutorial CD
Just bought 2 mos ago.
Call or text me for faster transactions
PHP 500
Harlequin Books
Harlequin romance books. Mills and Boon. Billionaire and Prince Stories. 24books for 500 pesos plus 100 sf.
PHP 70,000
2018 Starboard Windsurf Futura 127 Carbon LCF
2018 Starboard Windsurf Futura 127 Carbon LCF. Sold with Fin. Purchased middle of December 2017. Used until first...
PHP 22,000
Leather Sofa set with 3seater and 2 seater
Rush sale
Leather Sofa set with 3seater
Bought it at sm our home
Rf- relocate
PHP 350
Mountain Bike Helmet Bicycle Helmet
For sale
Mountain Bike Helmet
Bicycle Helmet
Brand new
Never been used
Repriced to 400
Available if still posted
PHP 20,000
Orange and Black color
It is still in good condition and price is still negotiable...
PHP 10,000
Kitchen China cabinet
ALUMINUM COOKING POT HAS BEEN SOLD. Kitchen China cabinet. From Japan. Very good condition. Size- 45 inch wide x 17...
PHP 1,990,000
BMW 320D 2012 LUXURY
The BMW 320D Luxury Sedan 2012 is a fantastic deal with just P 1,990,000.It comes qith automatic transmission and...
PHP 1,900
PISOnet box
Selling pisonet box
Box w/ green color 1,900.00 (single slot and double coinslot are available)...
PHP 500,000
Hyundai Grand Starex 2008- Asialink Preowned Cars
-In running condition
-As is Where is
-Unit is up for bidding
PHP 3,500,000
closed van canter 4m51
for sale 4m51 canter closed van
surplus japan
we accept trade in and financing
actual unit posted
located at iponan...
PHP 150,000
Kimball mini grand piano
La Petite model Top US brand for grand pianos all original perfect for living room or small hall good touch sound
PHP 1,500
Uncharted ps4 game for swap
Good as new
Swap sa car racing
Need for speed
Except sa drive club
PHP 600
TYR Junior Training Pull Float
The TYR Pull Float is engineered for strengthening and aquatic exercise routines. The perfect training aid for...
PHP 200
Rush Sale! KickBoards.
Swimming boards (often referred to as kickboards or flutter boards) are a flotation aid used to develop a swimmer's...
PHP 20,000
Nicest Child or small adult mountain bike
Like new Fuji 24: tire mountain bike sent over from the USA. Full shimano with Suntour front fork. You will not find...
PHP 38,500
Hilux revo stock rims w tires
Hilux revo stock rims with dunlop tires size 265/70 r17
Rims are size 17 in
Thread life is 99%
Pls contact 09171187145
PHP 20
Re- batch Madre de Cacao soap with moringa
This products is rebatch from MDC scrap soap w/moringa
* for cats and dogs
* anti flea/ tick, anti mange,...
PHP 2,200
iPhone 5c 16GB
dha ra taman dli mulahus human ug reset. no iCloud issue check lng ang imei para sure. smart lock ni. hamis pakau...
PHP 1,500
Uncharted ps4 game for swap
Good as new
Swap sa car racing
Need for speed
Except sa drive club
PHP 102,000
samick upright
Almost new good sound and touch perfect for living room or small hall no retouched all orig finish
PHP 3,700
baboy litsonon
baboy litsonon for sale bulua cdo city.. for more details just contact this # 09975372403/09153017982.
PHP 15,000
car subwoofer and car amplifier
rush sale package ! ! !
1st user
all function
kicker subwoofer
v12 car amplifier 4000 watts
no issue
PHP 850
AC Power Adapter Charger for HP Compaq Presario
FORSALE: AC Power Adapter Charger for HP Compaq Presario (New)
Price: 850 (Free Shipping Nationwide thru JRS...
PHP 500
Harlequin Books
Harlequin romance books. Mills and Boon. Billionaire and Prince Stories. 24books for 500 pesos plus 100 sf.
PHP 350
Original iPod Classic Dock Adapter FAT
Selling my unused "Original iPod Classic Dock Adapter (FAT)"
I already sold my iPod Classic 160gb 6th generation fat...
PHP 999
Acer Aspire 4535 Laptop Housing Free Shipping Nationwide
FORSALE: Acer Aspire 4535 Laptop Housing
>The item is taken from...
PHP 120,000
Fuel assault 20x9 bf goodrich ko2
Fuel assault 20x9 slight used only 500km
Bfg ko2 275/55 r20 80%
PHP 15,000
Mizuno iron golf clubs
Mizuno 1 to 9 iron golf clubs, one pitching wedge clubs plus 0ne sand wedge clubs
PHP 85,000
Klx150 bf 2016 update registration
2 yrs pa lng. Halos evry 2 months cge change oil... Rush
PHP 20,000
pearl target series jr size limited edition
rush sale ! !
Php 23,000 only
markdown to 20k only
pearl target series jr size limited edition
32k last purchased